Sunday, April 8, 2012

Week Thirty Nine

What's going on with her?

Size? 20 inches
Weight? 7 pounds

She is just taking her time, and finishing up baking! Yay. Now the waiting game!

As for mommy?

This week when I went to the doctors they told me that I was 70% effaced and one cm dilated. My next appointment is right after my due date. They are talking about inducing me if I have not dilated more by the next appointment. I have heard many pros and cons about being induced. The prons might be that you will know when to expect your little one, you can make sure everything is done and ready for going to the hospital and coming home and your fully prepared. Now the cons. I have heard that the cons of being induced is that the contractions are a lot more painful because you are forcing your body to do something that it isn't ready for yet, also labor tends to last longer, and last but not least is that you may end up in a c section. Which I am totally afraid of. Nothing about a c section seems exciting to me. So to try to get things moving along and in my attempt to not be induced I have been doing everything that I have heard of and can think of. Below you can find a list of my attempts. If you have an suggestions, please let me know! In the meantime, try to prepare, read the rest of your books, freshin up your hubby on the way labors going to go and make sure he knows your birth plan and what your expecting! Good Luck!

Induce labor naturally:

Bouncing on a birth ball
Curb walking (One foot on the curb the other on the concrete and walk, then turn and go the other way!)
Pressure points

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Week Thirty Eight

What's going on with her?

Size? About the size of a leek, 19 1/2 inches long
Weight? 6.8 pounds

She is completely ready for the outside world! Yay! Now you may be wandering what color her eyes will be, when she or he is born they maybe one color, but they may not stay that color. Around nine months old is when whatever eye color they have will be there color for life.

As for mommy?

Swelling, not always fun. Actually never fun but right  now is when a lot of moms to be do experience swelling so don't be to concerned if you start to notice your hands or your feet swelling. Your doctors will be asking you about any swelling and if you have any concerns make sure you are totally honest with them, they are there for you!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Week Thirty Seven

What's going on with her?

Size? 19 inches
Weight? 6 1/3 pounds

Yay! You are now full term! Even though you are still three weeks away from your due date, if you went into labor right now your baby would be totally fine. Everything is completely developed!

As for mommy?

Braxton hicks, Oh My! They are something else. They can vary from person to person, but as for me and my experience with them so far they are a feeling of a period like cramp. The closer you get and the more you dilate the stronger they will get! 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Week Thirty Six

What's going on with her?

Size? 18 1/2 inches long

Weight? 6 pounds

At the end of this week she is considered full term! Your little one is probably already in the head down position, if not then your doctor will probably try a few different things to make her turn and go head down.

As for mommy?

I just recently went to the doctor and they said that my little one is head down and ready to go! And this point is when I start to go to the doctors once a week. So I am thinking that the time is going to start flying by! Yay. She will be here before I know it!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Week Thirty Five

What's going on with her?

Size? 18 inches long
Weight? Five and half pounds

Well at this time you may notice that your little one isn't moving around as much, it's a little snug in there so she doesn't really have as much room to have that choice to do somersaults. So now it's her job to just put on weight.

As for mommy?

I started my birthing classes this week! I definitely suggest taking these! Especially if you are a first time parent like myself. They are extremely informative and depending on where you live and what classes they have available will depend on the times and dates. Mine was at a hospital and once a week for five weeks. They broke the classes up into one for labor and delivery, breastfeeding, CPR, car seat class, and infant care class. Even if this isn't your first child you may want to look into the classes anyways, you can never be too careful.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Week Thirty Four

What's going on with her?

Size? 18 inches long
Weight? 4 3/4 pounds

Your baby girls only job now is to grow! She has everything that she would need to survive if you went into labor right now.

As for mommy?

This week I got to go to get my 3D ultra sound done! It was awesome! You could see everything! I have heard that they are extremely accurate and I hope they are! She was gorgeous, when my friend was pregnant she got this done and then when the baby was born we compared and it definitely looked identical to the ultrasound. They said that our little one has a ton of hair, chubby cheeks and gorgeous eyes. She even gave us a smile! Love her so much already!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Week Thirty Three

What's going on with her?

Size? 17 inches
Weight? 4 pounds

Her skeleton is now hardening and bones are fusing together except for the bones in her skull which will help her to pass through the birth canal, they will harden and fuse together after her grand entrance in the world!

As for mommy?

My doctor as warned me that I may start to feel some tingling in my hands or arm, maybe even numbness and burning. I haven't yet felt this, but that doesn't mean that it is not to come. Just to give you a fair warning as well.